A benefit of checking your teeth every fifteen minutes is that it gives us control over how white your teeth become. This is repeated until we are confident that your teeth are as bright and as white as you wanted them to be. This can usually take about fifteen-minutes so that we can examine your teeth throughout the process, reapply the whitening solution, and wipe away any access to ensure that your gums are not irritated.

Protect your lips with a special lip cream to avoid irritation.

Clean and polish your teeth to ensure that the whitening gel is being placed on clean teeth, rather than plaque buildup.Once cleared for the procedure, these are the steps that we will take: If you have gum disease, cavities, or an infection, we want to treat this first so that you are in good oral health and to prevent you from experiencing any unnecessary sensitivity. When you visit our family dentist office, we will meet with you and examine your teeth and gums to determine if they are healthy enough for a cosmetic treatment.