What's odd is that the preview for The Flash Season 2 Episode 7 skips off into Grodd and Barry in a wheelchair. He was like a 300 pound gorilla knocking around a bunch of kittens trying to get a vibe on Harry. It makes sense that the Flash Team wouldn't trust Harry, but gosh Cisco would make a terrible spy. Back to Zoom and Harry and the good stuff. If she wanted to know what was up with Joe, she should have asked him that first and not confessed to a kiss like a love-struck tween. Really? You're grown ups, not teenagers who just met at the junior high school dance. Yes, Patty and Barry have some chemistry, but that started to grate just a bit with her constant need to talk about their kiss. Bonding with Iris, however, remains a solid byproduct of her encounter with Light, and Iris continues to impress. Light stuff, but it felt like it dragged on for far too long and lost the entertainment value about halfway through. It was kind of cute that she helped out and did all of the Dr. Was I the only one who thought for sure Linda was going to be a goner once Zoom got ahold of her since Barry revealed to her he was The Flash? It was truly surprising she lived to talk about it.